Friday 13 September 2019


In reading Room Five has been doing some work on metaphors!!. Metaphors are a figure of speech used when words or phrases are applied to an object or action that are mainly different but have a few things in common. An example of a metaphor is this: He is a shining star or His words are pearls of wisdom. Metaphors are like similes but they don't contain the words like or as. I also found out the word 'metaphor' is a metaphor mind BLOWN!!!.

Saturday 7 September 2019


At school we have been doing some math. In math we have been doing FRACTIONS!! for fractions the math group I'm in (the orcas) have done some worksheets. One called basketball math were we had to shoot some hoops and do math and one called chocolate mint cookies where we converted fractions, simplified fractions, do equivalent fractions, decompose fractions and make fractions into proper and improper fractions. But unfortunately we didn't get any cookies. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Thursday 5 September 2019

Sun Poem

Yesterday and today Room Five wrote a sun poem. The way these poems went is, A comparison for what the sun is like a gold coin, A ing verb like brightly then a describing word like scorching. and it goes on like this for three verses each with two sentences like the one I describe. My one went like this.

The sun is a light bulb brightly burning the sky.
It is an orb of fire masterfully scorching the earth.

The sun is a giant grapefruit shooting scalding juice across the sky.
It is a fire singeing the landscape.

The sun is a golden coin running across the light sky.
It is a spider stalking through the sky.